Monday, September 19, 2005

Women's Issues

I've been reading the latest issue of Oprah's magazine and a recent issue of Wired. It's a weird experience. We're a very gender segregated society when it comes to reading material. Somehow reading got to be an unmanly thing to do. Oprah apparently believes that her audience will read long articles. Wired doesn't think so. Oprah has stuff with heavy emotional content--domestic violence, breast cancer, etc. Wired is mostly about gadgets.

It would be super funny if these magazines had to take each other's topics for a month. I can just picture Wired trying to explain domestic violence with some sort of hip graphic. And Oprah would have to go into excruciating detail about tech companies and their drama.

Po-mo Koan of the Day: Does the form of these magazines dictate their substance? Or does the substance lend itself to a particular form?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find Wired terribly embarassing to read these days. You're right, it's no different than a Stuff or some similar magazine.

Of course, I bet I'd find Oprah incredibly embarassing to read, too.

Do the snobbier magazines have a gender imbalance in their readership? Is the New Yorker readership skewed towards women, or is it even?